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New Review Article Spotlights Attributes and Mechanisms of Action for French Oak Wood Extract, Robuvit®

For the first time, the science behind Robuvit®’s ability to affect cellular mitochondria and ribosomes is outlined, showing how this potent antioxidant can increase energy, improve sports performance and naturally detox the body

Over 20 publishedstudies to-date have illustrated the benefits of the French Oak wood extract, Robuvit® for caffeine-free energy, sports performance and detoxification, and researchers are now revealing the mechanisms of action that allow this ingredient to effectively work at a cellular level. A new review article published in the Journal of Medicinal Food builds on the extensive catalog of research to provide a new, comprehensive overview of Robuvit®’s composition, bioavailability and mechanisms of action.

“Understanding these core mechanisms of action of Robuvit® is an exciting step toward showing how this powerful antioxidant works and realizing the breadth of benefits it can offer,” said Franziska Weichmann, manager of scientific communications and product development at Horphag Research. “Our team is eager to continue exploring new categories of research that expand upon these findings.”

The new review article details the mechanisms of actionbehind Robuvit® that provide its known benefits, including:

  • Potentiates cellular mitochondria and ribosomes
  • Improves energy and muscle protein synthesis
  • Decreases oxidative stress

Origins of Robuvit®

The venerated oak tree has been revered for generations for its ability to benefit multiple fundamental aspects of human life. This nutrient-rich plant holds its place in history for its use in winemaking and storing spirits and ability to prevent foods and beverages from spoiling.

Robuvit® French oak wood extract is derived from the Quercus Robur species of oak, using a safe and sustainable water extraction method, that is standardized to ensure purity, quality and efficacy. Robuvit® is a highly potent blend of antioxidants, ellagitannins, and is a unique source of roburins, bioflavonoids exclusively found in Quercus Robur species. Robuvit® is highly bioavailable and thus ensures its potent benefits to be efficiently absorbed by the body.

“As a company grounded in science, our team has dedicated years of research to learning about the science behind Robuvit® to fully understand the extent of its benefits,” says Victor Ferrari, CEO of Horphag Research. “Peer-reviewed, published science to back up a product is essential to ensure its self-affirmed status of Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS), efficacy and quality that translate to success in the marketplace.”

Robuvit® Mechanisms of Action

Robuvit® impacts the mitochondria through its metabolite, Urolithin A, which is an activator of mitophagy, a process in which mitochondria are rejuvenated. Mitochondria are cellular powerhouses generating energy for the body, however, as we age, mitochondria may become less efficient, resulting in reduced energy, and lower physical and mental performances. Robuvit® supplementation leads to Urolithin A generation in the body and new mitochondria are assembled, fully functional, to provide optimal energy levels naturally.

Another metabolite of Robuvit®, Urolithin B, is shown to support healthy muscle growth and protein synthesis by mimicking the effect of testosterone. This process results in non-hormonal enhancement of muscular mass.

To date, over 20 clinical trials confirm Robuvit®’s energy enhancing benefits without the negative side effects of caffeine. Robuvit® is shown to increase expression of ribosomal genes, leading to the improved translation of proteins. This process increases energy generation efficiency, which is thought to enhance endurance, performance and faster recovery.

Robuvit®’s powerful antioxidant benefits decrease oxidative stress by increasing the antioxidant capacity of blood plasma. This process is attributed to Robuvit®’s ability to significantly decrease serum levels of advanced protein oxidation products and lipid peroxides, while also stimulating the presence of plasma antioxidant enzymes in the body.

Building on a Body of Research

These mechanisms of action provide a foundation for the more than 20 clinical studies that demonstrate Robuvit®’s benefits.

Supplementation of Robuvit® has been shown to aid fatigued or burnt-out individuals to regain higher energy and activity levels. Evidence shown in a peer-reviewed study published in 2020 discovered subjects who supplemented with Robuvit® over the four-week period reported a 55 percent increase in energy and 75 percent improvement in activity level. Additionally, a 2015 study of healthy individuals published in Phytotherapy Research showed that general fatigue sufferers who supplemented daily with Robuvit® reported feeling more energy and fewer symptoms in as little as four weeks.

Robuvit® is also shown to improve sports performance. A 2015 study published in Minerva Cardioangiologia evaluated the effects of Robuvit® on performance and endurance in triathletes over a two-week triathlon training period. Athletes in the study reported heightened endurance and needed less recovery time between training after supplementation with Robuvit®.